User Stories

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Jana Chang

Academic Officer, Kailua-Kalaheo Complex Area

Jana Chang is the Academic Officer for the Kailua-Kalaheo Complex Area, O’ahu, Hawaii. A school in her Complex Area implemented the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) aligned to WestEd’s Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement. She shared her experience:

Shevon Lopez

Principal, Ogden Preparatory Academy (UT)

Shevon Lopez is the Principal of Ogden Preparatory Academy (UT). Her school implemented the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL), aligned to WestEd’s Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement. Here she shares her experience.

Emlyn Frangiosa

Supervisor of Teaching & Learning, Avon Grove School District

Emlyn Frangiosa is a Supervisor of Teaching and Learning in Avon Grove School District, Pennsylvania. Emlyn and the Avon Grove schools have been working with WCEPS CARE Coaching to implement the WIDA School Improvement System (WIDA SIS) in their district. Here she talks about her district's experience.

Robin Clement

Elementary Literacy Director and Federal Programs, Cache County School District

Robin Clement is the Elementary Literacy Director and Federal Programs in Cache County School District (UT). Her schools implemented the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL), aligned to WestEd’s Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement.

Grant Geis

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Coordinator, School District 49

Grant Geis is the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Coordinator in School District 49, Colorado Springs, CO. Grant and District 49 schools have been working with WCEPS CARE Coaching to implement the WIDA School Improvement System (WIDA SIS) in their district.

Scott Wihongi

Principal, Murray High School, Murray City Schools (UT)

Scott Wihongi is a Principal in Murray City School District (UT). His school implemented the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL), aligned to WestEd’s Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement.

Leslie Burt

Principal, Lewiston Elementary School, Cache County (UT)

Leslie Burt is a Principal in Cache County School District (UT). Her school implemented the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL), aligned to WestEd’s Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement.

Eric Stone

Senior Director of Elementary School Leadership, Hampton City Schools

Eric Stone, Senior Director of Elementary School Leadership in Hampton City Schools (Hampton, VA) used CALL in two of the schools in the district that were in need of additional support and resources. Watch his video testimonial to learn more.

Ben Cairns

Principal, Lake County High School (CO)

Ben implemented the WIDA School Improvement System (WIDA SIS) and the Leadership for Learning (L4L) Coaching Process in his school to support instruction for English Language Learners.

Kim Palmer

Principal, Coolspring Elementary School, Michigan City Area Schools, Indiana

Kim Palmer has used CALL as part of her school's comprehensive needs assessment and school improvement planning process.

Linda Hagedorn & Marcia Case

CLDE Teacher & Principal, School District 49 (CO)

Linda Hagedorn and Marcia Case from School District 49 in Colorado implemented the WIDA School Improvement System (WIDA SIS) and engaged in the CARE Coaching process to support their use of the WIDA SIS data to improve instruction for English Language Learners. Hear from them on participating in this process. WIDA SIS and CARE Coaching are part of the Pathways for Language Learner Success Process:

Michael Harris

Former Principal, Riverside University High School in Milwaukee Public Schools, WI

Mr. Harris administered the CALL assessment at the beginning of the school year as part of the Leadership for Learning project with the Title I Department in the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI).

Anne Prozan

Former Manager for Leadership Growth and Development, Oakland Unified School District, CA

Read how Anne and her colleagues decided to use the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) in order to provide non-evaluative feedback for principals.

Jessica Quindel

Former Principal, Doerfler Elementary School, Milwaukee Public Schools, WI

Principal Jessica Quindel implemented the CALL System over consecutive years to support school improvement planning and professional growth.

Colleen Miner

Principal of Lakeshore Elementary School, Eau Claire Area School District, WI

Read Colleen's story of how she has used the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) as part of a project with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

Jared Griffis

Principal of Central High School, Carroll County School System, GA

Read Mr. Griffis's story of how he administered the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) system.

Kyle Konold

Executive Director for The Delta Academy, North Las Vegas, NV

Read Kyle's story of how he administered the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) in order to gauge school-wide leadership effectiveness.

Missy Herek

Principal, Hillsboro Elementary School, WI

Read Missy's story of how she used the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) in the 2014-2015 school year to measure instructional leadership practices.